Summer with hot weather not only makes children tired but can also cause many health problems. When children sweat a lot to “cool down”, their bodies are susceptible to dehydration and electrolyte disorders. In addition, children’s immune systems are not yet complete, and their weak resistance makes them susceptible to disease. In order for children to have a healthy and happy summer, Fairy School would like to send parents some important notes below.
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1. Use Air Conditioning Properly
Air conditioning is an indispensable device in the summer, but improper use can seriously affect children’s health:
- Do not let children stay in the air conditioner for too long.
- Turn on the air conditioner at a high temperature initially, then gradually reduce it to avoid thermal shock.
- Before taking your child out, turn off the air conditioner and open the door for about 3 minutes to let your child get used to the outside temperature.
- Supplement water while your child is in the air conditioner to avoid dryness and dehydration.
2. Clean Personal Hygiene
Personal hygiene plays an important role in eliminating pathogens. Make sure your child always washes his or her hands, especially before eating and after using the toilet.
3. Adequate Hydration
In the summer, children lose more water than usual. To compensate for the lost water, parents can give their children drinks rich in nutrients and vitamins such as:
- Fresh orange juice
- Fresh coconut water
- Gotu kola juice
- Sugarcane juice
4. Avoid Letting Children Play in the Sun for Too Long
Hot weather is very harmful to children’s health. Therefore, parents should avoid letting children stay outdoors for too long, especially between 10am and 3pm. If you need to go out, make sure your child is fully equipped with glasses, masks, hats, and sunscreen to protect their skin from direct sunlight.
5. Respect Your Child’s Desire to Eat
In the summer, children often lose their appetite due to heat and dehydration. Instead of forcing them to eat all their meals, parents can divide their meals into smaller portions and choose light, low-fat foods to stimulate their child’s appetite.
6. Some Other Notes on Child Care in the Summer
- Get into the habit of wearing a mask for your child when going out.
- Dress your child in cool, soft, absorbent clothing.
- Regularly wipe your child’s sweat, and change them immediately if their clothes are wet with sweat.
- Supplement foods containing lysine, essential minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, B vitamins, etc. to help strengthen the immune system, help children get sick less often, and reduce the risk of digestive problems.